Getting There


Getting There

PLEASE NOTE: Paluma and Hidden Valley were impacted by January and February's severe wet weather event. This may affect the available routes of travel and add time and/or kilometres to your journey. You can find our latest update about this here.

Townsville to Paluma

Heading north from Townsville City. It is about 1.5 hours from Townsville to Paluma Village (the start line). The turn-off to Paluma is located approximately 67 kilometres north of Townsville.

Townsville to Paluma (Courtesy: Google Maps)


Ingham to Paluma

Heading South from the Ingham. It is just over 1 hour to Paluma Village (the start line).

Ingham to Paluma (Courtesy: Google Maps)

The Paluma village is located approximately 21 kilometres from the highway turn-off, via a mountainous range. Whilst the drive to Paluma is not difficult, caution must be exercised given the nature of the winding mountain roads.

It takes about 35-40mins to get up the Paluma Range from the Bruce Highway (Courtesy: Google Maps)

Paluma to Hidden Valley

Paluma to Hidden Valley is approximately 23km along a bitumen/dirt road. There will be many other drivers on the road as well, as you are all going to the same place. Please allow at least 40 minutes driving time each way.

Make sure you allow enough time, so you don't miss the race briefing or race start. Event HQ is at the Hidden valley Cricket Oval, it will be sign posted.

Road Closure - 8.30am – 10.30am

On Saturday (race day), the road in to Paluma will be closed at the Paluma Dam turnoff by the Police from 8:30am until 9:30/10:00am until the last riders comes through onto the Paluma Dam Road


Getting back to Paluma

Car Shuffle

If you don't have a driver who can pick you up at Hidden Valley after the event, or you missed out on a bus transfer, you need to arrange a car shuffle.

Option 1: Drive 2 cars to Hidden Valley and leave one there. Then drive back to Paluma in time for the start. That gives you a car at Hidden Valley to get you and your bikes back to Paluma after the event.

Option 2: Team up with some others and all take your cars to Hidden Valley. Then have one car drive you all back to Paluma for the race start. It is best to unload your bikes and gear at Paluma before you head off for Hidden Valley.

Option 3: Leave your car at Paluma and arrange with someone for a lift back to Paluma after presentations to pick up your car. Then drive back to Hidden Valley to collect your gear.

Option 4: Leave your car at Paluma, ride the race and after the event, ride back to Paluma.

Bus Transfer

Bus Transfers are available to get you and your bike from Hidden Valley back to Paluma. TICKETS/SEATS ARE LIMITED.

Preferably, Bus Transfers are to be booked at time of Race Registration at an additional cost of $20 per person.

A bike trailer will be towed behind the bus to transfer each passenger's bike. Riders will be responsible for ensuring their bike is properly secured with your own strap/rope to the trailer.

Saturday 13th July - BUS TIMETABLE

Departs Hidden Valley Event HQ

7:15 am - Arrives in Paluma at 8:00am.

12:00 pm - Arrives in Paluma 12:45pm, in time for you to get back to Hidden Valley for presentations at 3:00pm.

1:35 pm - Arrives in Paluma at 2:10pm. You might only just make it back for presentations.

3:10 pm- Arrives in Paluma at 3:55pm.

5:30 pm- Arrives in Paluma at 6:15pm